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8 registered messages
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1      How to add a message
Click on 'Add your message' and just follow directions. Easy!!
10      Allez lapin
11      D'un nours à un lapin
Un petit coucou de david (si si rappelles toi en face de toi, le mec un petit peut déjanté). message un peut en retard mais il a fallut trouver comment on fait, voila, j'espère que tu te donnes à fond et que tu profiteras un peut de quelques jours de vacances quand meme. ps: rases toi avant de prendre l'avion au retour, je suis sure que tu comprends pourquoi
12      Euuh bas pas tout compris je recommence
Re coucou
13      Merci
sympas tous les messages d'encouragements reçus. J'espérais bien que ce forum marcherait même si ce n'est pas évident de prime abord.
15      Ciao Lapin
From another Roadie-turned-rider - I wish I had known you during ALC4 - definitely saw you in bike-parking-land, never stopped to chat. I was a food service person on ALC3 and decided riding might be easier (!) - (good choice) - email me sometime - I'll be interested to hear your adventures fundraising and training - also interested to hear what brought you to ALC from such a great distance - also would like to practice French - 40 years ago I studied in France - I love your country - your language even more...
16      hey Mary!
It's was difficult to track you down from little informations you left but I did find you.
Sorry you read we couldn't chat a bit during last ride. Maybe next year? Hopefully I'll be riding ^_^
Want to see how I swim? Here's a link
17      Thanks to Cathy and Iain
$200 the first day ! God knows how much I'll have raised by June next year ^_^ Thank you so much. Hope this get the ball rolling.
Here's a link to Cathy own homepage, another one to Iain's.

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